It is such a joy to go into homes and document families in their element! Storytelling is a love of mine and a true passion! To be able to give so many memories for families to look back on one day makes me so happy! Stories are lived everyday and one day, our children will be able to replay over and over so many memories with the gift of photos and videos!
I was so honored when Amy and Ben asked me to come to their home and document their family! It is such a compliment when other photographers request your art! The Cordy’s are such a sweet, loving, genuine and God fearing family!
We spent some time reading the girls favorite books, having fun, and just letting them do what they normally do daily as a family. They were an absolute joy to be around! From the tickles which led to the best giggles, down to the intimate moments shared by mom and dad…it all set my soul on fire.